English final evaluation
We are next to finish Batxillerat and now we can do a reflection about the first and the second course and we can evaluate if we improved or not.
First of all, I think that I have improved my level of English. In my opinion the most important reason is that during the ESO every year we do the same and we don’t learn enough. If we don’t go to “extra” classes out of the IES our level is very low. And this year we need know all past tenses and more grammatical points that we have never worked in ESO.
I think that the activity that shows better my English level are the writings, because in it we need to put all the thinks that we know.
The most useful activities are the readings, the listenings, the writings, the speakings (with Annika) and the orals. The activities that are not very useful for me are on Tuesdays in the language room, because we pass the time reading newspapers, watching films, and playing with the computer in the model. And it’s true that we can do readings and listenings to prepare “selctivitat” or grammar, but this activities we also can do them in the normal class together. The blog and the portfolio are two other activities that in my point of view aren’t useful because the portfolio consist’s in loosing time taking the things that we have done during the term and putting them in a page of internet. The blog is written without any sense because we don’t know the errors that we do, only some of them. I prefer doing more writings to prepare us for “selectivitat” like: descriptions, letters, interviews..
Well, this is my little evaluation.
dimecres, 14 de maig del 2008
Goku’s /St. George’s acrostic
Dragon was killed by St. George, and a
Rose was born of the blood of the dragon
And finally, St. George saved the princess
Gently, St. George, gave the rose to the princess
Over the forest he asked her to marry her and a
Nice wedding they had.
Balls are searched by Son Goku and his friends
All the balls are dispersed for the world
Legendary dragon appeared when the seven balls are together
Later, the dragon concedes you three wishes.
Rose was born of the blood of the dragon
And finally, St. George saved the princess
Gently, St. George, gave the rose to the princess
Over the forest he asked her to marry her and a
Nice wedding they had.
Balls are searched by Son Goku and his friends
All the balls are dispersed for the world
Legendary dragon appeared when the seven balls are together
Later, the dragon concedes you three wishes.
13, Figueres street
St.Miquel de Fluvià
10th April 2008
Department of enviromment
12, Catalonia street
Dear Sir Joan Saura,
I am writing because in my town there are a lot of problems with the water. Now we are in April, and it seems that is too early to think about the water, because usually until summer there aren’t problems. But this year, with the climate change, it is not raining enough and now we have problems with water.
First of all, with my letter I want ask you about won’t do the restrictions of water in the summer in our town, because in summer we will have more problems than now.
The second point that I would like to tell you is that I expect that you can give us some help with the water like building a piping that drive with Sant Miquel some water.
I hope that think about it and try to help us!
I look forward to receiving a reply!
Yours sincerely,Eudald Espluga
St.Miquel de Fluvià
10th April 2008
Department of enviromment
12, Catalonia street
Dear Sir Joan Saura,
I am writing because in my town there are a lot of problems with the water. Now we are in April, and it seems that is too early to think about the water, because usually until summer there aren’t problems. But this year, with the climate change, it is not raining enough and now we have problems with water.
First of all, with my letter I want ask you about won’t do the restrictions of water in the summer in our town, because in summer we will have more problems than now.
The second point that I would like to tell you is that I expect that you can give us some help with the water like building a piping that drive with Sant Miquel some water.
I hope that think about it and try to help us!
I look forward to receiving a reply!
Yours sincerely,Eudald Espluga
- Journalist: Hello! Today we have with us, in Blue Earth magazine, the leader of the Tuareg clan that lives in the Sahara desert. His name is Buba, and he’s going to explain us some things of their way of life. Hello Buba! Have you ever seen rain in the desert?
- Buba: Hello! No, I’ve never seen rain in Sahara, but my grandfather told me that when he was young he saw rain twice. I only see some clouds in the sky, but I never see rain.
- J: Have you and your clan ever had problems to have water?
- B: During the year we have water, but in the summer, sometimes, we have some problems because water is evaporing easily.
- J: It’s true that in a bottled fossil water pumped from underground the is a clean, refreshing and mineral water?
- B: Oh yes! It’s the best water in Egypt. A long time ago the most important people of the country went to the Sahara and took away the water, but now some organizations like Greenpeace protect de place.
- J: On a study of Jennifer Smith, a geologist a Washington University in St. Louis, says that in the past Sahara was a green place, with a lot of water, where the hippopotamuses can live. Do you think that in the future Sahara can be again time a green place?
- B: Well, for me this idea is very strange. I’ve always seen the Sharara like a desert and I can’t imagine a green place there. But I think that is possible if the experts considered this option.
- J: Well Buba, that’s all. I hope that this interview helps people to know better the tuareg clans. Thanks for all.
- B: Thanks! Bye!
- Buba: Hello! No, I’ve never seen rain in Sahara, but my grandfather told me that when he was young he saw rain twice. I only see some clouds in the sky, but I never see rain.
- J: Have you and your clan ever had problems to have water?
- B: During the year we have water, but in the summer, sometimes, we have some problems because water is evaporing easily.
- J: It’s true that in a bottled fossil water pumped from underground the is a clean, refreshing and mineral water?
- B: Oh yes! It’s the best water in Egypt. A long time ago the most important people of the country went to the Sahara and took away the water, but now some organizations like Greenpeace protect de place.
- J: On a study of Jennifer Smith, a geologist a Washington University in St. Louis, says that in the past Sahara was a green place, with a lot of water, where the hippopotamuses can live. Do you think that in the future Sahara can be again time a green place?
- B: Well, for me this idea is very strange. I’ve always seen the Sharara like a desert and I can’t imagine a green place there. But I think that is possible if the experts considered this option.
- J: Well Buba, that’s all. I hope that this interview helps people to know better the tuareg clans. Thanks for all.
- B: Thanks! Bye!
The last book that I read is “las amistades peligrosas”. Is a book writed for Chaderlot Laclos, a writer of the 19th century of the movement of “la Il·lustració”. This book expresses one of the points more characterisc of the movement of this movement: “el llibertinatge” The book consist of a couple of letters that explain the relationships of different characters. The most important characters are M. Valmont and Mdm. Merteuil.
I think that it is a very good book and expresses perfectly well, the time of “la il·lustració” and “llibertinatge”. I also think that expres a beautiful idea of the love and the relationships.
I think that it is a very good book and expresses perfectly well, the time of “la il·lustració” and “llibertinatge”. I also think that expres a beautiful idea of the love and the relationships.
BBC news (video)
Shark population deacreasing
The population of Sharks in America is decreasing. The experts says that there are studies about the population of the sharks in the pacific ocean.They try to catch sharks and meseure ans study them. Neil Hammershlag, the co-director of the Florida student shark program says that some problems that afect the big sharks are overfishing and polution.
- Popolation decreasing: la població decreix
- overfishing: sobrepesca
Jesús in a rock?
Some people of Fountain Hills in Arizona says that if you look long enough to the red rock, you can see a face. One of this people, Russell Bechtel explain that when he see the face he think that he is his God. The face apear in the afternoon, when the shadows form the face. The people really believe that this is the Jesús face.
- shadows: sombres
- look long enough: mirar el temps suficient
The population of Sharks in America is decreasing. The experts says that there are studies about the population of the sharks in the pacific ocean.They try to catch sharks and meseure ans study them. Neil Hammershlag, the co-director of the Florida student shark program says that some problems that afect the big sharks are overfishing and polution.
- Popolation decreasing: la població decreix
- overfishing: sobrepesca
Jesús in a rock?
Some people of Fountain Hills in Arizona says that if you look long enough to the red rock, you can see a face. One of this people, Russell Bechtel explain that when he see the face he think that he is his God. The face apear in the afternoon, when the shadows form the face. The people really believe that this is the Jesús face.
- shadows: sombres
- look long enough: mirar el temps suficient
Catalonia today news
The Oxford murders
The Oxford murders is a film of the directorÁlex de la Iglesia. The fil talk about a young mathematics student, protagonitzed for Elijah Wood, at Oxford becomes intrigued by series of murders and sets out to back down the killer, aided by his logics professor ( John Hurt), a man with a Sherlock like talent for deciphery mathematical clues and putting the pices together.
The glamour of gangsters
The new film that appare this week are “we own the night” of James Gray that are interpreted for Joanquin Phoenix and Eva Mendes, “Awake that was directed bf Joby Harold and interpretated for Jessica Alba, and finally “the game plan” interpretated y Dwayane “the rock” Johnson.
Prehistoric Catalonia
The most important dinosaurs in Catalonia was Iguanadon bernissartensis, Losillasaurus gigantecus, Titanosaurus and Parahabdono isonensis. The Iguanadon is one of Europe’s most common dinosaur species. The palaeontologist think that they was herbibore. They also think that Losillasaurus was 30-tone and titanosaurus could grow up to 12 meters.
Touching light in Empordà
The watercolour athe capture of the light and colour of l’Empordà. There are 50 Artworks on display at “Museu de l’Anxova I de sal” at l’Escala. The works are the products of local artist Rafel Ramis I Ballesta who was born in l’Escala in 1912, and who spent his formative years in Barcelona.
The Oxford murders is a film of the directorÁlex de la Iglesia. The fil talk about a young mathematics student, protagonitzed for Elijah Wood, at Oxford becomes intrigued by series of murders and sets out to back down the killer, aided by his logics professor ( John Hurt), a man with a Sherlock like talent for deciphery mathematical clues and putting the pices together.
The glamour of gangsters
The new film that appare this week are “we own the night” of James Gray that are interpreted for Joanquin Phoenix and Eva Mendes, “Awake that was directed bf Joby Harold and interpretated for Jessica Alba, and finally “the game plan” interpretated y Dwayane “the rock” Johnson.
Prehistoric Catalonia
The most important dinosaurs in Catalonia was Iguanadon bernissartensis, Losillasaurus gigantecus, Titanosaurus and Parahabdono isonensis. The Iguanadon is one of Europe’s most common dinosaur species. The palaeontologist think that they was herbibore. They also think that Losillasaurus was 30-tone and titanosaurus could grow up to 12 meters.
Touching light in Empordà
The watercolour athe capture of the light and colour of l’Empordà. There are 50 Artworks on display at “Museu de l’Anxova I de sal” at l’Escala. The works are the products of local artist Rafel Ramis I Ballesta who was born in l’Escala in 1912, and who spent his formative years in Barcelona.
diumenge, 16 de març del 2008
Sarah went to stay a few days in Catalonia. She is friend of Anika, and went one day to do an oral presentation in our class. She explains that she was from Scotland, and explains some typical things of Scotland. Also she has a power point and shows us some photos that she takes of her blog. She also explains that she finishes her degree and she was working in important company, but I don’t remember in which.
After, Carla explain to Sarah that she stayed in USA the last summer, because Sarah says that she will go to USA the next summer.
After, Carla explain to Sarah that she stayed in USA the last summer, because Sarah says that she will go to USA the next summer.

The film that we saw this therm is Fragiles. I have seen this film twice and I think that is a very good film. The director is Jaume Balagero, that also created the film: REC.
Fragiles talks about a girl that go to work an hospital of childs. In the night there are a strange suceses. A ghost break the bones of the kids in the night. A strenage girl, talks about this ghost, that live in the third floor. Finally they discover where is and can escape.
Is one of my favourites horror films, and as I saw the film one time before in class, I haven’t problems to understand the film.
Fragiles talks about a girl that go to work an hospital of childs. In the night there are a strange suceses. A ghost break the bones of the kids in the night. A strenage girl, talks about this ghost, that live in the third floor. Finally they discover where is and can escape.
Is one of my favourites horror films, and as I saw the film one time before in class, I haven’t problems to understand the film.
My favourite place is Alt Empordà. It is a little part of Catalonia, in Spain. I think that it is one of the best places in the world. Maybe my opinion is this one because we have lived in Alt Empordà, concretely in St. Miquel de uià.
Alt Empordà is situated in the north-east of Catalonia. It’s a very complete place, because we have beach and mountains very nearly. We have a pacefulwinter with a very hot summer.
There are a lot of landmarks like the Dalí Museu or the “aiguamolls”. There are also other important places like Figueres, Roses, l’Escala or Cadaques. And finally, I think that one of the best things of Alt Empordà is the peace and he relax that you can feel if you live here. The people also are very friendly.
Alt Empordà is situated in the north-east of Catalonia. It’s a very complete place, because we have beach and mountains very nearly. We have a pacefulwinter with a very hot summer.
There are a lot of landmarks like the Dalí Museu or the “aiguamolls”. There are also other important places like Figueres, Roses, l’Escala or Cadaques. And finally, I think that one of the best things of Alt Empordà is the peace and he relax that you can feel if you live here. The people also are very friendly.
In Catalonia it is compulsory to do the research project. This is a work with a free topic and one teacher who help you. The research project is the 10% of the final mark of batxillerat.
First of all, I think that is an extrawork and this suppouse that we have less time to study and to do the homework. This year we have the selectivity too. We have more problems and more evaluations that other students.
Also I believe t it is very fairy that if we have to do this project, students of the rest of Spain doing too. In our high school the teachers are more strict that in others high schools, and for this reason, I am inclined to believe that this project is very unfairy.
Finally, in my opinion, the positive part of this, we can learn a lot awe know how is a long project for the university.
In conclusion I think that is a bad idea doing this work in second batxillerat, and the positive part isn’t sufficient to justificate the project.
First of all, I think that is an extrawork and this suppouse that we have less time to study and to do the homework. This year we have the selectivity too. We have more problems and more evaluations that other students.
Also I believe t it is very fairy that if we have to do this project, students of the rest of Spain doing too. In our high school the teachers are more strict that in others high schools, and for this reason, I am inclined to believe that this project is very unfairy.
Finally, in my opinion, the positive part of this, we can learn a lot awe know how is a long project for the university.
In conclusion I think that is a bad idea doing this work in second batxillerat, and the positive part isn’t sufficient to justificate the project.
dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2008
Little film win more
The last weekend it celebrated the Goya. All the people was waiting that the Orfanato, a film that have been seen by four milions of spectators, was the film that recive more pices. But the surprise was that the most award film was La Soledad. They was the winners of the best picture, and the best director. An other important pices was the best actor to Alberto San Juan, for the film: Bajo las estrellas and the best actress to Maribel Verdú form me: Siete mesas de billar francés.
The battle of the king of the court

At the same time that the NBA teams take a break to play the All- Star Game, in Spain the top of the eight best teams play "la Copa del Rei". This tournament is the oldest in the Spain, and consist in a long weekend (including friday) on the the teams face off. This year the eigh best teams are: Unicaja de Málaga, AXA FC Barcelona, Akasvayu Girona, TAU Ceràmica, Pamesa València, Real Madrid, Iurbentia Bilbao and DKV Joventut de Badalona.
Getting ready for the frankfurt bookfair
The catalan culture will be the gust of honor in the Frankfurt bookfair and the Institut Ramon Llull subsides the translation of aproximtly twenty literary works, written originally in catalan into various languages including English and German. Some works to be translated in German are Ada Castells "Tota la vida", of Josep Pla "Històries del mar" Among works to be translated in english are "Poemes" of Jancin Verdaguer and "La magnitud de la tragèdia" of Quim Monzó.
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